Friday, 27 September 2013

Half-in, Half-Out Cut Verso Card Tutorial

This is a tutorial for how to create the half-in, half-out style of card using the Tonic Verso Die Sets.  I have used the Decorative Holly Wreath Set but this would work for any of the Verso Die Sets, following the same steps.  I will show how you can create card with the free edge either inner-most(below left) or outer-most (below right).

I will give all the measurements to create either a 14.8 cm x 14.8 cm square card or an A5 portrait card, but I will also demonstrate what measurements you need to create this style with any size card and/or die.  At the bottom of this post, you'll find a printable PDF file of these instructions.

Starting with the A4 Portrait Card with Half-Cut Out Circle

Step 1 - Score the card
First of all, you need to measure the largest outer edge from the Verso die range that you are going to use.  I've used the Decorative Holly Wreath, which measures 14cm wide, but you could use any shape/style of Verso Dies for this. Next score your card in half as you would for any card you were making.  

Now, the next thing you are going to do is to create two small score lines in the front half of your card.  To work out how long these score lines need to be either eye-ball it and mark your card with a pencil - or be anal like me and calculate it.  So you need to take your card width (in this case 21 cm) and subtract the width of the die (in this case 14cm) giving an answer of 7 cm, then divide this number by 2, giving a measurement of 3.5cm.

At 7.4cm along the top (longer) edge, score your card down from the top by 3.5cm, then move your score tool to the bottom edge, and score up by 3.5cm.

Step 2 - Cut the Free Edge

I have marked all these score lines in pencil (below), you don't need to do this, but it helps you to see where they are for following this tutorial.

So, you can see  below, I've scored the card in half (as you would normally) and then a quarter of the way in, I've scored from the top and bottom by 3.5cm.

Now take your Verso die (both outer and inner) and line it up centrally between the score lines and hold in place using low-tack tape.

For this style card, the "free" edge is going to be on the first quarter of the card.  I will show you the alternative to this in the next card below, but for this card style, these are the instructions for how you need to place your card on your die-cutter.  You need to place your card onto your cutting mat so that ONLY the first quarter of the card (to those short score lines) sits on the cutting mat (the rest of the card is hanging loose off the cutting mat).  Then place your base plate over the top and, holding very firmly so that nothing slips, feed this through your die-cutting machine.

Step 3 - Cut the rest of the Card

Once you've done this, carefully move the cardstock up the cutting mat so that it is all on the cutting mat.  Don't worry if the detail is not fully cut at this stage as we are going to do another cut pass.  Carefully remove the outer cutting edge only (leaving the detail die in place, unmoved). At this point, you can add further layers of the detail verso dies (but not their outer outline cutting dies).  Tack in place with low tack tape.  Cover with the base mat and pass through your die cutting machine.  

Top Tip - if like me, you use all the dies, you may find it takes several runs through the die cutter to cut all the detail.  If the inner rings are still proving difficult after a couple of passes, very carefully remove the outer verso detail die, and run it back through the die cutter, all the detail on the smaller dies should now cut.

Remove the dies, fold and burnish the score lines with a bone folder, and hey presto - a half cut card.

Now for the Square Easel Card with Half-Cut Out Circle

Step 1 - Measure, Cut and Score the card
First of all, you need to measure the medium outer edge from the Verso die range that you are going to use.  I've used the medium Decorative Holly Wreath, which measures 10cm wide, but you could use any shape/style of Verso Dies for this. 

Take a sheet of A4 and trim it to 14.8cm deep.  Then score it in half, then again at 7.4cm along the top (longer) edge, score your card twice more but this time down from the top by 2.4cm, then move your score tool to the bottom edge, and score up by 2.4cm.  Again, I've marked this in pencil so that you can see but you do not need to do this.

(NB the maths for this one is your card width (in this case 14.8 cm), subtract the width of the die (in this case 10cm) giving an answer of 4.8 cm, then divide this number by 2, giving a measurement of 2.4cm.)

Step 2 - Cut the Free Edge

Now take your Verso die (both outer and inner) and line it up centrally between the score lines and hold in place using low-tack tape. For this style card, the "free" edge is going to be on the second quarter of the card and for this card style, you need to place your card onto your cutting mat so that the first quarter of the card (to those short score lines) sits OFF the cutting mat (the rest of the card is on the cutting mat).  Then place your base plate over the top and, holding very firmly so that nothing slips, feed this through your die-cutting machine.
Step 3 - Cut the rest of the Card

Once you've done this, carefully move the cardstock down the cutting mat so that now all of it is on the cutting mat.  Don't worry if the detail is not fully cut at this stage as we are going to do another cut pass.  Carefully remove the outer cutting edge only (leaving the detail die in place, unmoved). At this point, you can add further layers of the detail verso dies (but not their outer outline cutting dies).  Tack in place with low tack tape.  Cover with the base mat and pass through your die cutting machine.  

Remove the dies, fold and burnish the score lines with a bone folder, and hey presto - a half cut easel card.

Please do let me know if this tutorial has been useful, or if you need any clarification on my description or any of the steps.

Here's a PDF version of this Half-In, Half Out Cut Verso Card Tutorial

Enjoy your dies and have a great weekend!

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  1. Thank you so much for this tutorial Dips, I have these dies so it will be most useful, Polly x

  2. A really fabulous tutorial and the end result is stunning. Thank you for sharing
    Sue xx

  3. wonderful tutorial - love this idea - now very tempted - thankyou x

  4. Hi Thank you for your help with these dies as i have them, then get little forgetful and then just don't know what else to do. i think my weekend will start now.many thanks again love eileenxxx

  5. Hi, thank you for sharing your tutorial, Pauline xx

  6. Thank you so much!
    Great tutorial,so clear and easy to follow!


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